Thursday, May 24, 2012

There was a little girl, who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead...

...but when she was bad, she was HORRID!

Over two months since my last post... how embarrassed and ashamed and horrid I am!  After so much time, the pressure builds to write something totally awesome, which makes it even harder to break the slump.  I have a tendency to lean toward extremes.  Please forgive me.  So here it goes, time rip off the silence like a bandaid.  Time to get back on the horse.  Time to jump back in.  Time to get the ball rolling.  Enough with the cliches, here's what's been happening during my inexcusable Blog-Post-Drought:

*Pam and Jenny came to visit from Scotland so we could see the Hunger Games together.  Their trip really deserved it's own post.  My bad.  The Hunger Games was not disappointing.  That's the best compliment I can give to a movie made after a book I love.  It was good, but the book was better.  But that's how it always goes, right?

*Lots of people had birthdays.  People here.  People in the States.  Everyone got a little older.

*Baseball started!!!!!!  Go Rangers!  On a more local sport's note, the softball season started too.  The team Juli and I play for (Dublin Bay Packers) is currently undefeated!  And we're building the first actual softball field in Ireland.  We've got a tournament there this weekend.  Here we are sifting the rocks out of the base path.

*The school year ended.  I can't believe how fast it went!  I'll blame the end-of-term-crunch for part of my BPD.  I'm glad for a break, but I'm looking forward to being back in September.

*I sewed a little.  Created some new byjo. stuff.  I re-opened my Etsy shop and created a byjo. Facebook page.  Check it out.  I even got some business cards from Vistaprint with my new logo.  I feel so professional :)

*I cut my hair.  The wind and rain was too much for my long hair to handle.  I got really tired of ponytails and messy buns.  And I had a perpetual halo of crazy, frizzy fly-aways that always made Mooly say, "What's up with your hair?"  To which I would answer, "I was outside today."  Enough of that!  Now the wind can blow all it wants and it'll just make my hair look even better... who doesn't love a tousled, wind-blown look?  The fantastic girl who cuts Juli's hair came to her house and chopped mine too.  She didn't know what she was getting herself into.  This is only about 2/3 of what actually got taken off.  It only took an hour and a half.  Now I feel like myself again!

*Irish summer is here!  It came for a few days around Easter, then left again.  It's back this week!!!  The forecast says 60's and sunny for the next several days.  Hooray for sun that's warm enough to make my soul sing but not so hot that my soul starts to wail as it melts.

Now I'm off to enjoy the sunshine and meet up for the coffee shop Bible study we recently started in city center.  My BPD is officially over.  More soon.  I promise. 


  1. we tend to update our blogs at about the same rate, so don't feel too horrible about it.

    Also, LOVE THE HAIR! we are in the Short Hair Club at the same time finally. Hooray!

    Of course, Love your Byjo stuff!! And Glad to see you're going to be in the Irish history books for making their first softball pitch. ;)

  2. and the little girl with the little curl right in the middle of her forehead moved far, far away across the ocean...
